My Twitter account has been suspended

You know you’re doing something right when Iran’s regime launches an army of apologists/lobbyists and fake accounts/bots against you. Twitter has suspended my account after a highly biased article in The Intercept against me that raised false allegations.

I was not provided any explanation by Twitter on why my account is being suspended and not provided the chance to reply to this article and the accounts raising allegations against me.

I kindly ask you to raise your voice and have @Twitter and @jack open my account so I can reply and debunk this article.

The mullahs are so utterly terrified of being exposed that they are accusing me of being fake.


No, I will never reveal my real identity or photograph. Not as long as the mullahs’ regime is in power. No activist in his/her right mind would do so. That would place all of my family, friends and myself, both inside & outside of Iran, in complete danger.


I will not reply to any emails or messages of any kind from The Intercept because their intentions are obvious as a biased, left-wing outlet.

They don’t deserve my reply.

Let’s begin with a claim made by the Intercept citing The Washington Post.


-No one can prove WaPo’s claim of a White House official actually sending them my Forbes article.

-The notion is actually quite flattering. And also, considering the fact that I have cited Iran’s own state outlets, I am right about the IRGC. Another reason why Tehran is after me.

The Intercept’s next claim:

“Heshmat Alavi is a persona run by a team of people from the political wing of the MEK,” said Hassan Heyrani, a high-ranking defector from the MEK who said he had direct knowledge of the operation.

The source:

Heyrani claims to be a “high-ranking defector.” A simple Google search reveals how he is parroting Tehran’s talking points to known Tehran apologists writing in a variety of left-wing propaganda outlets, including the Independent, The Guardian & Al Jazeera English.

This I am damn proud of:

“The body of work published under Alavi’s name takes a consistently hawkish line toward the Iranian government and President Hassan Rouhani.”

The Intercept cites “Reza Sadeghi” who is said to have left the MEK back in 2008, but claims to know who launched the “Heshmat Alavi” account. Interesting how The Intercept itself cites the fact that my Twitter account was launched in 2014.

So how could have Sadeghi known about Alavi back in 2008?


Looking deeper into The Intercept article citing an unnamed “source.”


The article then cites Massoud Khodabandeh.


UK MP Sir David Amess: “Mr Khodabandeh and his wife, Ann Singleton, have long engaged in attacks and defamation campaigns against the PMOI.”

“The Pentagon-commissioned report claims that Mrs. Singleton and her Iranian husband, Massoud Khodabandeh, 56, agreed to work for the regime in return for saving the life of his jailed brother…” …

“Anne Singleton, a British citizen, and Mr Massoud Khodabandeh, have been denounced for their activities in support of the Iranian Ministry of Intelligence & Security (MOIS), especially via their  website.”

This thread about a @tparsi article sheds more light on Massoud Khodabandeh.

Now let’s look at some of the people (Iran regime apologists/lobbyists) running The Intercept’s talking points.


Why is @Sanam24 angry at me?

I’ve debunked her pro-Iran work. 



Why is @_merat angry at me?

I’ve debunked his pro-Iran work.



Why is @Cirincione angry at me?

I’ve debunked his pro-Iran work.



Why is @Azodiac83 angry at me?

I’ve debunked his pro-Iran work.


Why is @asiehnamdar angry at me?

I’ve debunked her pro-Iran work.


Why is @Ali7azdeh (@Jedaaal) angry at me?

I’ve revealed his true nature.


Why is @tarakangarlou angry at me?

I’ve promoted a thread by @RJBrodsky debunking her.



Here’s another reason why this group are angry at me.

I’ve exposed how @YasmineTaeb, a member of @NIACouncil, a pro-Iran lobby group in DC, is seeking election in the Virginia Senate.



The Intercept also cites @geoffgolberg.

His work on the MEK was easily debunked by



The list goes on.

The target of this article is not me. It’s the Iranian opposition group MEK.

Why do I support the MEK?

1) They have an organization.

2) They have an agenda.

3) They are serious and dedicated.

That’s another reason why Iran’s regime wants me dead.


While The Intercept accuses me of being fake and Twitter has wrongfully suspended my account, here’s a look at some of the bots trolling me.



Thank you!

I will.


My request is for everyone who can to raise their voice to Twitter. They have wrongfully suspended my account without providing any explanation and after a highly biased article full of lies and allegations against me.

Twitter should open my account and allow me to reply.

4 thoughts on “My Twitter account has been suspended

  1. I found it outrageous that Twitter account @HeshmatAlavi has been closed tru #Iran regime #terrorist regime and it’s lobbies all around the world.
    This acc must be open immediately.


  2. This is in unbelievable and unacceptable to close a human rights activist account who is subjected to violation of human rights and has lost family members and now we see that freedom of speech and freedom of press has been targeted by Hesmat Alavi’s enemies who are Mullahs regime and their Fakenews propaganda machine. This is very sad، it feels like you are in prison getting tortured by dictators.


  3. Heshmat Alavi has been trying to show the world that a brutal regime of Iran is against human right and democracy.
    I support And admire Heshmat Alavi for his democratic activity towards Democrat and freedom in Iran.
    Tweeter has to unblock his account.


  4. @jack @yoyoel @TwitterSupportt @Policy, YOU don’t have 2 be super clever 2 figure out 2 whose advantage it’s 2 SUSPEND the account of the ” VOICE of the VOICELESS ” ! (Mr. Heshmat Alavi @HeshmatAlavi)


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